When a woman looks through a deck of Goddess cards, she will feel innate and intuitive attractions to different embodiments of the Sacred Feminine. She may not know why or she may be very aware of what activates her. These attractions and aversions are directly related to the archetypes and what medicine a person needs for their healing path.
Read MoreWelcome to your practice! This is your space and time for you. Take a moment, if you haven’t already, and gather some items, light a candle, burn sacred herbs or woods, and turn the lights down: set your space, create a container
Read MoreSome call samhain the juncture between the two halves of the Wheel of the Year, acquiring the supernatural status of being suspended in time. It could be said that time stands still on this night, when that which does not belong to the old year, does not belong to the new year either.
Read MoreToday, in our modern times, mabon invites us into circle to reflect on what our summer has brought us, what we need to do to prepare us for winter, and any projects or new hobbies we may want to take up to get us through the cold winter.
Read MoreReiki Level I, Shoden Attunement and Training, is opening for a late Fall course this 2021. Read the details to learn the where, when, and how.
Read MoreIn Level Two there is a physical opening. This attunement and initiation acts on your subtle bodies and your intuition and natural ability to heal will expand. The gateway of Okuden offers three attunements: giving you the responsibility of carrying three symbols and mantras that heal beyond space and time, psychological and emotional energy, and bring focus
Read MoreThis work and the turning of my life cycle has transformed my relationship with myself, my devotional practices, and the path of my dharma. I have been called to retire from the Healer and step into my current path as an Initiator & Ceremonialist.
Read MoreThis particular sound bath was curated to take you on a sound journey and activate your Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root Chakras through tone and mantra.
Read MoreUsui Sensei believed that the five precepts are the secret method to invite happiness, and even more, the medicine for all diseases of body and soul.
Read MoreMany people are awakening and seeking ways to experience God and Spirit, and new ways to honour and increase awareness of the sacred. Ceremony and ritual are an attempt to humble ourselves, and invoke spiritual presence and blessings through action.
Read MoreAs a Healer, I perform distance healing almost daily. Distance healing is any kind of healing, offered by a practitioner, that “travels” beyond time and space with the intention of providing positive, healing, and therapeutic energy for the recipient.
Read MoreJoin me in a sacred initiation into the realms of energy medicine. My lineage follows that of Sensei Usui in the Gendai Reiki Shihan. In addition to learning the wisdom of Reiki Level I, I will also be introducing concepts and activities around tuning into your dominant psychic senses.
Read MoreJust like sharing stories and writing down your feelings can be therapeutic, dance can also be helpful for expressing your experience and complex emotions through movement, shape, pace, and intensity.
Read MoreThis month’s wisdom is brought to you by the Viking Oracle: Wisdom of the Ancient Norse. For this forecast I pulled the Sacred Three-Card Draw, directing us on the heart of the matter, a challenge, and a direction to move in.
In a Body Resilience session, Natasha invites you to dwell in direct relationship with the parts of yourself that may be inaccessible through the cognitive mind alone.
Read MoreCrystal therapy is an ancient healing system – spanning back as far as the Egyptian times - that functions with the patient’s energetic (subtle body) experience, through the precise placement of crystals on the body and throughout the surrounding space.
Read MoreEnjoy this short 14 minute meditation where you will get the chance to connect inwards and find a space where you can embody who you want to be.
Read MoreWhen we create sacred space we are able to incubate our conscious intentions. And when we set our intentions, they are woven deeper and received louder by the forces around us.
Read MoreYears ago, in a medicine circle, Mother Gaia came and sat with me. I was releasing wounds, stories, and emotions that were no longer claimed as mine to carry.
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