Intuitive Reiki Level I ~ Initiation & Mentorship


What will Reiki offer you?

Reiki is a living energy, it is in the mountains, the trees, the whispers in the wind, and it's made up of unbiased universal energy. Can you imagine having access to this energy at anytime, from anywhere, for the rest of your life? It seems a little too good to be true, I know. And yet, this is what you will receive if you choose this initiation: a never ending channel to Reiki.

Once your crown, third eye, and hand chakras are activated, Reiki will always run through your being, not matter how much you connect or how long it's been. Although, the more you connect to Reiki the deeper the relationship you build, the more healing you welcome, and the more presence you embody for yourself and others.

Reiki is not just something that you DO; over time and with great awareness and self discipline, it is something that you will BECOME. And when you choose to become a channel of Reiki, it will move through you and ripple into your relationships, work, and perspectives on life. Reiki is a healing art.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world", they say. Well, this is it for me, this sacred teaching and passing down of energy medicine, is the closest thing I can get to spreading healing on an authentic level. Imagine what this world would be like with a Reiki channel in every home and family?