Virtual Cannabis ~ Flower Full Moon ~ Ceremony

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Many people are awakening and seeking ways to experience God and Spirit, and new ways to honour and increase awareness of the sacred. Ceremony and ritual are an attempt to humble ourselves, and invoke spiritual presence and blessings through action. We invite the power of Spirit, but we do not demand or expect it to show up in a specific way - what we achieve is in alignment with the will of Spirit (yours and the universe’s in union).

Cannabis, much like the moon, is a potent and magical catalyst for spiritual experiences, it is a psychic magnifier and an emotional amplifier, too. Come willing to meet yourself wherever you are with love, and know that you will be held in the grace and intention of ceremonial space. Friday, May 8, 7:30-9:30pm, we will embark on a Cannabis Full Moon Ceremony , together, in Virtual Altar Space.

How will this evening flow?

We will open up with a casual community space for the first 15 minutes and then I’ll close off the meeting room to mark a ceremonial container.

We will chat about the plant medicine, cannabis, and what lineages of healing I have studied and experienced with Santa Maria, the sacred name I use when referring to cannabis in ceremony or sacred consumption.

I will open with an incantation and call on our guides, pillars, and protectors to circle round us as we meet at our virtual altar space. We will offer a medicine blessing and practice ✨friending✨our medicine, an intention setting process used in binding and connecting to medicine before consumption.

We will consume, connect, and co-create together, with an easeful transition into some self massage and movement. There will be some embodiment free stream movement with some familiar yoga postures sneaking in here and there as we come into our bodies and reclaim all the spaces that want to come forward in our evening’s healing and awakening ceremony.

We’ll go on a guided meditation, do some guided journal reflections, and set some stretches (community witnessed goal setting) for the full moon, through the waning period, until we meet our new moon with well nurtured and clear intentions to sow.

There may be sound bowls and a sacred song healing, there could be more circle engagement, or play involved, it’s all coming together divinely, one message and nudge at a time.

Location - You will want to think about where you will want to practice - think sound protection, calm energy, uninterrupted, private where you can be and move as you wish, unbiased.

Preparing your space - You may want to use incense or sacred herbs such as sage or palo santo to clear out your space ahead of time (make sure you open your windows up, in order to allow what's ready to flow be released).

 Consumption - Think about how you want to experience cannabis in a sacred context. Do you want to ingest and eat, smoke, vape, take a tincture, use CBD oil/salve on skin, connect to cannabinoid system via meditation.

 Props - We will have some movement, however a yoga mat is not necessary. For the guided meditation you will wan to lie down, so ensure you have blankets and pillows to make you as comfortable as you can be. If you have a journal and a piece of paper that is unbound you will want two small pieces of paper to write on and a pen. Any sacred items or crystals you have that you want to set out or up in an altar for this evening's ceremony (you do not need to 'know how' to make a beautiful arrangement). Lastly, think about what device you will use for this ceremony - you will want to be able to turn up the volume loud when I play some songs for movement and response.

Samareh Jones