The Journey to Inner Guidance and Self-Awareness
Every morning I like to make myself a fresh cup of coffee and sit at my living room table enjoying the sun and perusing through articles. The other week, Ruth Lera’s article on self-awareness resonated deeply with me. Self-healing, self-awareness, and taking responsibility over our own happiness, health, and success, is powerful and oh-so challenging sometimes. After talking a bit about the journey of life, Lera offers 9 quotes from various teachers around the world that have helped encourage her on her own journey to self-awareness.
“Below are nine quotes that remind us how important our own inner guidance and self-awareness is. These quotes take us to the heart of the self-awareness journey and help us to feel its steady beat. I hope they encourage you on your own path, to whatever beautiful place that path is going.”
Tomorrow in my 6:30 Am class at Moksha, I feel inspired to talk about “creating space for transformation”, referring to one of the 9 quotes that Lera offered:
“As far as inner transformation is concerned there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot transform yourself, and you certainly cannot transform your partner or anybody else. All you can do is create space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter.”
~ Eckhart Tolle
After some thought, I find the idea of creating a space for transformation so powerful-there’s so much wisdom packed into this quote. How can we set ourselves up for success, for happiness? Can you feel the space around you; like you’re pushing into space, instead of space forming around you? Allow this space, this room, to be your safe place, where self discovery is encouraged to fruition. What would this space look like to you? What does this feel like to you?
Close your eyes, take a deep breath in and then release out. Envision this space surrounding you. Feel this space – truly feel the freedom and safety in your core. Now open your eyes and create this space. Today. Take that power, that fire burning inside of you, and give yourself room to grow!